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All results matching "Copying Software, Permitted?"

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Found 190 records.
Showing Results for 'Copying Software, Permitted?'

 Copying Software, Permitted?
       Software, Copying, Permitted?
 Kosher, Genes
       Genes, Tomato & Pig, Kosher
 Erasing Torah From Computers
       Computers, Erasing Torah
 2000 CE
       Shabbos, Life Threatening Situation
       Life Threatening Situation on Shabbos
       Millenium (2000 CE)
       Y2K Bug, Life Threatening Situation, Shabbos
 Butter, Kosher?
       Forbidden Fats
       Animal Fats, Kosher?
       Kosher Fats & Butter
 Shabbos & Oragami
       Oragami on Shabbos
 Blood Transfusions
       Transfusions, Blood
 Glow In The Dark Toys And Shabbat
       Shabbat, Glow In The Dark Toys
 Borer, Shabbos, Children
 Motion Detectors on Shabbat
       Shabbat, Motion Detectors
 Magnets, Muktza
       Muktza, Magnets
       Shabbat, Muktza Magnets
       Family Tree Info
 Lies, Permitted
       White Lies
 Shabbat, Mail
       Mail, Shabbat
 Catering on Shabbat
       Shabbat, Catering
       Working as a Caterer on Shabbat
 Meat & Fish, Eating Together
       Eating Fish & Meat Together
       Fish & Meat, Eating Together
 E-Mail, Shabbat
       Shabbat, E-Mail
 Tattoo, Removing
       Earrings, Damaging one's body?
 Coins, Wishing Well
       Wishing Well
 Fishing, Permissible for Sport?
 Jogging, Shabbat
       Shabbat, Jogging
 Brith Control
       Large Families, Having

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